THE PRODIGAL or There And Back Again
By Karl House
Jesus’ famous Parable of the Prodigal Son in Luke 15 is a quick read and a simple story. Yet it’s deceptively deep. Maybe that’s why Luke 15 is often called “the Gospel within the Gospel.” Join Karl House in taking a deep dive into the depths of God’s grace.
If you’re new to God’s grace, this book is for you. If you’ve heard it all before, let Karl introduce you to God’s amazing grace again for the first time. If you’re a pastor or teacher, there’s a wealth of ideas, stories and quotes to help you in your ministry.
Take a deep breath, and let’s dive in …
Stop Running Away.
Start Heading Home.
The proceeds of this book will go to a new ministry that Karl and his wife Anita have launched called The Way MicroChurches - A Growing Family of Simple Churches in Grand Rapids, MI and beyond. Check out their website at TheWayMicroChurches.org.
THE PRODIGAL was originally entitled COMING HOME: The Father’s Welcome in the Parable of the Prodigal Son. This second edition of the book has new stories and an extra chapter.
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Karl’s Other Works
2 Kingdoms Gospel Presentation
There’s more to life than what meets the eye. That’s because, behind the scenes, there are two very different kingdoms. Here’s a clear and compelling presentation of the Good News of Jesus Christ and His Kingdom.
Without contact, there can be no impact. That’s why the purpose of Contact4Impact is to motivate and mobilize you to get mixed into your workplace, school environment, neighborhood or even just your own family to make a difference for Jesus. Don’t go at it alone, however. Join with another follower of Jesus from your circle of influence to be carriers of God’s Kingdom and help others find and follow the King.