Week 5 - CONFESS


  • What are you thankful for?

  • What challenge are you facing?

  • Have there been any answers to prayer?

  • Pray for each other.

  • Did anything stand out to you from last week’s follow-up Bible readings?

  • Last week you ran from temptation and sin and ran to God for help (repentance). How has your week gone in terms of freedom from that temptation and sin? Is there any other temptation and sin that you need to run from?

  • How did your “I will …” statement from last week go?

  • How did your sharing goal from last week go?

  • How’s your memory work coming along?

John 8:31-32 (NAB)

31 Jesus said to those who believed in him, “If you remain in my word, 32 you will truly be my disciples, and you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free.”


Let’s start with a review. We’ve worked through these freedom truths and freedom responsibilities:


Obedience leads to freedom while disobedience leads to bondage, so obey the Lord and be free.


Jesus resisted Satan by reciting the truth of God’s Word, so resist Satan by reciting the truth of God’s Word.


God has forgiven you, so forgive others.


We are to be holy as God is holy, so run from temptation and sin and run to God for help to be holy.

And now …


We are to agree with God that our sin is sinful, so confess your sin and find forgiveness and cleansing

  • Ask God to speak to you as you read His Word.

1 John 1:5-10 (CSB)

5 This is the message we have heard from him and declare to you: God is light, and there is absolutely no darkness in him. 6 If we say, “We have fellowship with him,” and yet we walk in darkness, we are lying and are not practicing the truth. 7 If we walk in the light as he himself is in the light, we have fellowship with one another, and the blood of Jesus his Son cleanses us from all sin. 8 If we say, “We have no sin,” we are deceiving ourselves, and the truth is not in us. 9 If we confess our sins, he is faithful and righteous to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness. 10 If we say, “We have not sinned,” we make him a liar, and his word is not in us.

1 John 2:1-2 (CSB)

1 My little children, I am writing you these things so that you may not sin. But if anyone does sin, we have an advocate with the Father—Jesus Christ the righteous one. 2 He himself is the atoning sacrifice for our sins, and not only for ours, but also for those of the whole world.

  • Have someone retell this passage in their own words.

  • What stands out to you in this passage?

  • What does this passage say about God (The Father, His Son Jesus Christ, the Holy Spirit)?

  • What does this passage say about people, including ourselves?

  • What does this passage say about the life God invites us to live?

Digging Deeper

  • If we have already confessed our sins when we first repented and believed in Jesus, why do we need to continue to confess our sins?

  • Do we need to be saved all over again?

  • What does confession do?

Removing Footholds

Ephesians 4:26-27 (NIV)

26 “In your anger do not sin”: Do not let the sun go down while you are still angry, 27 and do not give the devil a foothold.

Nursing your anger through bitterness, unforgiveness and revenge opens you up to the devil’s influence. The word “foothold” in Ephesians 4 is the Greek word “ground”. The point is, if you don’t biblically deal with your anger, you give Satan ground or turf to work with. He then exploits this vulnerability and uses it as an opportunity to set up a “base of operation” from which to attack you. If the sin of unconfessed anger yields this spiritual space to Satan, wouldn’t any unconfessed sin do the same? So remove these footholds through a humble confession of your sin followed by a bold declaration of your freedom in Christ.

Truth & Responsibility

Freedom truth:

We are to agree with God that our sin is sinful.

Freedom responsibility:

So confess your sin and find forgiveness and cleansing

Not Able but Enabled

You won’t be able to confess your sins on your own. That’s why we support each other. But more importantly, that’s why we need the Father’s love. God never intended for us to live the Christian life in our own strength. Instead, He gives us His love. Then what we could never do on our own, we do through His loving kindness.

Luke 15:17-23 (NIV)

17 When he came to his senses, he said, “How many of my father’s hired servants have food to spare, and here I am starving to death! 18 I will set out and go back to my father and say to him: Father, I have sinned against heaven and against you. 19 I am no longer worthy to be called your son; make me like one of your hired servants.” 20 So he got up and went to his father.

But while he was still a long way off, his father saw him and was filled with compassion for him; he ran to his son, threw his arms around him and kissed him.

21 The son said to him, “Father, I have sinned against heaven and against you. I am no longer worthy to be called your son.”

22 But the father said to his servants, “Quick! Bring the best robe and put it on him. Put a ring on his finger and sandals on his feet. 23 Bring the fattened calf and kill it. Let’s have a feast and celebrate.”

Notes on FREEDOM

  1. As always, what’s shared here must stay here. Please practice strict confidentiality.

  2. Satan doesn’t want you to be free. And he’ll do everything he can to discourage and distract you. For example, you may experience mental oppression as you go through today’s freedom exercises. Thoughts like, “This isn’t going to work” or “God doesn’t love you” or “Don’t believe this stuff or this person” may come to you. Resist these lies and trust God’s truth. If you’re experiencing mental oppression, it’s important to tell the others in the group so they can pray for you and help you stand firm on God’s truth.

  3. These freedom exercises may take some time, maybe more time than one week’s meeting. Especially if you have several people working through these exercises, it may take more than a week. There’s no need to rush. Just take the time you need.

  4. These freedom exercises may bring up some very personal and painful issues. Going through these exercises will give you greater freedom in Christ. You may, however, need additional help from a Christian support group, pastor, counsellor or therapist. Your group can help you discern if you need additional help.

  5. Feel free to modify the prayers below to fit your situation and communicate your heart.

Confessing Sin

What follows is adapted from The Steps to Freedom in Christ by Neil Anderson

Pray this Psalm and prayer out loud:

Psalm 139:23-24 (NIV)

23 Search me, God, and know my heart;
    test me and know my anxious thoughts.
24 See if there is any offensive way in me,
    and lead me in the way everlasting.

Lord, show me what sin I need to confess. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

Take a moment and wait on the Lord. Note any sins the Holy Spirit brings to your mind.

Sins to Consider

Last week in RUN, we considered these temptations and sins we need to run from. Now consider them as sins to confess. The list is taken from Exodus 20:1-17 (The 10 Commandments), Matthew 5-7 (The Sermon on the Mount), Matthew 20:20-28, Mark 7:20-23, Romans 1:18-32, 1 Corinthians 6:9-11, Galatians 5:19-21 and Philippians 2:14-16, 4:6.

  • Theft

  • Hatred, anger, rage, murder

  • Coveting, greed, selfish ambition

  • Arrogance, boastfulness, pride, judgmentalism

  • Anxiety, worry, fear, obsessing

  • Lording over, manipulation, control

  • Lying, cheating

  • Breaking your word (promises, covenants and vows)

  • Making of unrighteous vows

  • Mocking, belittling, cursing others OR yourself

  • Slander, gossip

  • Jealousy, envy

  • Idolatry, witchcraft, false worship

  • Drunkenness, debauchery

  • Ingratitude, grumbling, complaining

  • Arguing, disrespect

  • Sexual immorality, adultery, homosexual activity, pornography, orgies

  • Lack of love, lack of mercy

  • Disobedience to parents

  • Lack of submission to authorities

  • And so on …

That’s a pretty overwhelming list. But keep in mind, these are the very sins Jesus died for and God forgives. So allow the Holy Spirit to convict you of these sins, but don’t allow Satan to condemn you for them. Remember, there’s no sin that God can’t forgive nor free you from.

Pray this prayer out loud:

Lord, I confess that I have committed the sin of ______ (name sin). Thank You for forgiving my sin and cleansing me from this unrighteousness. Now in the name of Jesus Christ, I remove the foothold my sin gave to Satan and I break his power over my life. Thank You for setting me free. Fill me with Your Holy Spirit so that I might walk in the light as You are in the light. In Jesus’ name, amen.

Breaking Bonds

Sexual intercourse creates a bond between people. This is good and godly in marriage. It makes the two one (see Genesis 2:24). This is not good nor godly, however, outside of marriage.

1 Corinthians 6:15-17 (NLT)

15 Don’t you realize that your bodies are actually parts of Christ? Should a man take his body, which is part of Christ, and join it to a prostitute? Never! 16 And don’t you realize that if a man joins himself to a prostitute, he becomes one body with her? For the Scriptures say, “The two are united into one.” 17 But the person who is joined to the Lord is one spirit with him.

It’s important to break these bonds.

Pray this prayer out loud:

Lord, is there anyone that I am sinfully and inappropriately bonded to? Show me who that is so this bond can be broken. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

Take a moment and wait on the Lord. Note any names the Holy Spirit brings to your mind.

Pray this prayer out loud:

Lord, I confess that I committed ______ (name sin) with ______ (name person). I know this was wrong and I confess this sin to You. Break my sinful bond with _____ (name person) and set me free in Jesus’ name. Amen.

Pray this prayer of thanksgiving and dedication:

Lord, thank You for Your forgiveness and cleansing. I now dedicate myself to You. Here is my body. I offer it to You and ask You to fill me with Your Holy Spirit so that I might use my body in ways that are holy and give You praise.

Additional Prayers for Specific Issues

In addition, consider the following issues and prayers.

  • Lord Jesus, I confess that I have looked at sexually suggestive and pornographic material for the purpose of stimulating myself sexually. I have attempted to satisfy my lustful desires and polluted my body, soul and spirit. Thank You for cleansing me and for Your forgiveness. I renounce any satanic bonds that I have allowed in my life through the unrighteous use of my body and mind. Lord, I commit myself to destroy any objects in my possession that I have used for sexual stimulation, and to turn away from all media that are associated with my sexual sin. I commit myself to the renewing of my mind and to thinking pure thoughts. Fill me with Your Holy Spirit so that I may not carry out the desires of the flesh. In Jesus’ name I pray. Amen.

    Lord, I now confess these sins to You and claim through the blood of the Lord Jesus Christ my forgiveness and cleansing. I cancel out all ground that evil spirits have gained through my willful involvement in sin. I pray this in the wonderful name of my Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. Amen.

  • Lord, I confess to You any part that I played in my divorce (ask the Lord to show you specifics). Thank You for Your forgiveness, and I choose to forgive myself as well. I renounce the lie that my destiny is now in being divorced. I am a child of God, and I reject the lie that says I am a second-class Christian because of the divorce. I reject the lie that says I am worthless, unlovable, and that my life is empty and meaningless. I am complete in Christ, who loves me, just as I am. Lord, I commit the healing of all hurts in my life to You as I have chosen to forgive those who have hurt me. I also place my future into Your hands and trust You to provide the human companionship You created me to need through Your Church and, if it be Your will, through another spouse. I pray all this in the healing name of Jesus, my Savior and Lord and closest friend. Amen.

    Lord, I now confess these sins to You and claim through the blood of the Lord Jesus Christ my forgiveness and cleansing. I cancel out all ground that evil spirits have gained through my willful involvement in sin. I pray this in the wonderful name of my Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. Amen.

  • Lord, I renounce the lie that You have created me or anyone else to be homosexual and I agree that in Your Word You clearly forbid homosexual behavior. I choose to accept myself as a child of God and I thank You that You created me as (a man or a woman). I renounce all homosexual thoughts, urges, drives and acts, and cancel out all ways that Satan has used these things to pervert my relationships. I announce that I am free in Christ to relate to the opposite sex and my own sex in the way that You intended. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

    Lord, I now confess these sins to You and claim through the blood of the Lord Jesus Christ my forgiveness and cleansing. I cancel out all ground that evil spirits have gained through my willful involvement in sin. I pray this in the wonderful name of my Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. Amen.

  • Lord, I confess that I was not a proper guardian and keeper of the life You entrusted to me and I admit that as sin. Thank You that because of Your forgiveness I can forgive myself. I recognize the child is in Your caring hands for all eternity. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

    Lord, I now confess these sins to You and claim through the blood of the Lord Jesus Christ my forgiveness and cleansing. I cancel out all ground that evil spirits have gained through my willful involvement in sin. I pray this in the wonderful name of my Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. Amen.

  • Lord, I renounce all suicidal thoughts and any attempts I’ve made to take my own life or in any way injure myself. I renounce the lie that life is hopeless and that I can find peace and freedom by taking my own life. Satan is a thief and comes to steal, kill and destroy. I choose life in Christ, who said He came to give me life and give it abundantly (see John 10:10). Thank You for Your forgiveness which allows me to forgive myself. I choose to believe that there is always hope in Christ. In Jesus’ name, I pray. Amen.

    Lord, I now confess these sins to You and claim through the blood of the Lord Jesus Christ my forgiveness and cleansing. I cancel out all ground that evil spirits have gained through my willful involvement in sin. I pray this in the wonderful name of my Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. Amen.

  • Lord, I renounce the lie that my self-worth is dependent upon my ability to perform. I announce the truth that my identity and sense of worth is found in who I am as Your child. I renounce seeking the approval and acceptance of other people, and I choose to believe that I am already approved and accepted in Christ because of His death and resurrection for me. I choose to believe the truth that I have been saved, not by deeds done in righteousness, but according to Your mercy. I choose to believe that I am no longer under the curse of the law because Christ became a curse for me. I receive the free gift of life in Christ and choose to abide in Him. I renounce striving for perfection by living under the law. By Your grace, Heavenly Father, I choose from this day forward to walk by faith in the power of Your Holy Spirit according to what You have said is true. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

    Lord, I now confess these sins to You and claim through the blood of the Lord Jesus Christ my forgiveness and cleansing. I cancel out all ground that evil spirits have gained through my willful involvement in sin. I pray this in the wonderful name of my Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. Amen.

  • Lord, I renounce the lie that my value as a person is dependent upon my appearance or performance. I renounce cutting or abusing myself, vomiting, using laxatives or starving myself as a means of being in control, altering my appearance or cleansing myself of evil. I announce that only the blood of the Lord Jesus cleanses me from sin. I realize I have been bought with a price and my body, the temple of the Holy Spirit, belongs to God. Therefore, I choose to glorify God in my body. I renounce the lie that I am evil or that any part of my body is evil. Thank You that You accept me just the way I am in Christ, in Jesus’ name I pray. Amen.

    Lord, I now confess these sins to You and claim through the blood of the Lord Jesus Christ my forgiveness and cleansing. I cancel out all ground that evil spirits have gained through my willful involvement in sin. I pray this in the wonderful name of my Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. Amen.

  • Lord, I confess that I have misused substances—alcohol, tobacco, food, prescription or street drugs—for the purpose of pleasure, to escape reality or to cope with difficult problems. I confess that I have abused my body and programmed my mind in a harmful way. I have quenched the Holy Spirit as well. Thank You for forgiving me. I renounce any satanic connection or influence in my life through any misuse of food or chemicals. I cast my anxieties onto Christ who loves me. I commit myself to yield no longer to substance abuse, but instead I choose to allow the Holy Spirit to direct and empower me. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

    Lord, I now confess these sins to You and claim through the blood of the Lord Jesus Christ my forgiveness and cleansing. I cancel out all ground that evil spirits have gained through my willful involvement in sin. I pray this in the wonderful name of my Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. Amen.

That One Thing

Just double-checking. Is there anything else you need to confess? Maybe this question will help: What’s that one thing about yourself that you don’t want anyone else to know? If you’ve already revealed it and confessed it, thank you. That takes courage and will lead to freedom. But if you’re still holding back, please consider this a safe place to deal with it.


  • What truth have you discovered from today’s Bible passage(s) and conversation?

  • What would stop you from believing and obeying this truth?

  • How will you live out this truth this coming week? Finish this statement: “I will ….”

  • Who else needs to hear this truth? How could you share it with them?

  • When will we meet again?

  • Who will facilitate that meeting?

  • Pray for God’s help as you seek to follow Jesus this coming week.


Here are the Bible passages you are encouraged to read this coming week:


Connect with your buddy this week and ask each other these questions:

  1. How are your readings going?

  2. How’s your “I will …” statement coming along?

  3. How’s your sharing goal coming along?

  4. How can I pray for you?


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Week 4 - RUN
